Friday, December 5, 2014

2015 Berry Bush Plans

This spring before I got sick I did manage to do one thing in the yard and that is move a "wild" Raspberry bush. This Raspberry bush was way in the back of the yard next to the ally way were the garbage is put behind the garage. The bush was amazing for the 2012 and 2013 growing seasons but we didn't get to pick from it very much because it was forgotten at it's old location.

I had to chip away at the concrete and asphalt to dig it up. The ally is to the left and I'm standing on the end of the drive way. The garbage goes right on that concrete just on the right side in this picture so it's not very pleasing to pick here.

Raspberry bush with no spring growth next to concrete

Then I picked a nice spot on the front side of the garage in the main back yard. You can see the back of the house in this picture below.

Raspberry bush in middle of grass yard

To go along with the moved Raspberry bush we plan to plant a few more varieties of barry bushes in the back yard. Basically we want it overgrown with berry bushes so we don't have that much useless lawn to cut. Bellow are a few berry bushes they had at the local Home Depot that we may get for next spring.

Blackberry plant at the store
Blackberry plants at the Home Depot

Blueberry plants at the store
Blueberry plants at the Home Depot

Red Raspberry plants at the store
Red Raspberry plants at the Home Depot

Yellow Raspberry plants at the store
Yellow Raspberry plants at the Home Depot
 With luck these new additions will all give berries at slightly different times of the year so we can have berries more often.

Have a great day!