Well it's only November and I'm already thinking about the next growing season.
As part of our first steps to gardening I plan on buying a
Tower Garden. A Tower Garden is a compact hydroponic garden system that can be used indoors or outdoors.
Tower Garden Source: http://ianhopfe.towergarden.ca |
This is a great alternative for people that:
Don't have time - Since it can be put indoors in your most commonly visited room you can check it and harvest as you pass by.
Don't have space - Great for condo or apartment dwellers where space is at a premium.
Don't have the gardening green thumb - Just take the time to set it up properly and then let it go only checking as needed.
Don't have the mobility or energy - Disabled, injured, or elderly this takes you out of the garden, out of the elements, and off your knees because it is up high and weedless!
Don't have the gardening climate - If you live where the growing season it short this allows you to have fresh veggies all year long.
It's a little pricy up front but they allow you to make 12 equal payments. When you compare the monthly cost along with the added cost of store bought veggies to the savings your get with time, space, skill, mobility, and climate it's worth the low monthly investment. In your second year of use the savings is even greater as the unit it totally paid off!
Tower Garden Source: http://ianhopfe.towergarden.ca |
Have a great day!